Dry Cleaning
what is dry cleaning
dry cleaning industry
dry cleaning locationsDry Cleaning
how to start a dry
cleaning business
building a dry cleaner
buying a dry cleaning
Buy a Dry Cleaning
dry cleaning profits
dry cleaning business for
dry cleaning equipment
and supplies
Dry Cleaning Franchising
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Building a new dry cleaner requires a substantial
investment. Therefore, the necessary research must be done in order to
establish a successful operation. The following factors must be
thoroughly analyzed before building a new dry cleaner business.
The first factor to consider when deciding on building a dry cleaning
business from scratch is the location. This is a high demand business
but the store needs to be exposed to as much traffic as possible.
Locations such as local strip malls, corner locations, and other
locations where locals are able to see your store is crucial.
Research the competition. How many stores are located within a 3 mile
radius? What types of services do they offer? How does your business
plan compare to the competition?
The great majority of your clientele will likely come from within a 3
mile radius. One must analyze the demographics of the potential location
for clues in income, density, and prevalent occupations. High density
urban areas with white collar workers are ideal locations.
Zoning Regulations
Find out the building and zoning regulations for your potential
location. Due to the environmentally sensitive nature of this business,
restrictions might apply. As a rule of thumb, dry cleaners are not
permitted near schools, churches, hospitals, or theathers.
Lease Conditions
Find out what are the lease conditions. Make sure you have enough time
on your lease to recoup your initial investment and/or sell the business
in the future.
Location Space
Dry Cleaners do not generally need a lot of front end space, as
customers usually just drop off or pick up clothes. But one has to make
sure there is enough space for the dry cleaning equipment, clothes, etc.